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viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Wellcome to Exoplanetwar

ExoplanetWar Xeno8: Spys Trick

ExoplanetWar Xeno8: Spys Trick
Hy all i will learn you how to use grease monkey.
Enter to link if you have firefox and instal it.

I recommend for all players to use FIREFOX with Greasemonkey, not chrome. Some features may not work with this one.
Please remove eventual older versions, creating bug conflits.
One of the versions created a duplicate entry. Please do it for ALL VERSIONS.

For this :
Firefox : Click on the arrow next to Greasemonkey button >> press M key >> Delete all EXOPLANET++ script then reinstall the latest
Chrome : Menu >> Tools >> Extensions>> Uninstall all EXOPLANET++ then reinstall.

Fore more support, press "?" in the Exoplanet++ menu then e-mail me.

- Capacity to move menu.
- More, more stupid & useful, tools.
- Retractables sections to minimize the added menu size
- Choosing colors, why not ?
Feel free to message me your suggestions in-game! 

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